Hi, my name is Mohamed amged, I´m a front end developer. I have studied computer science at Cairo university, i have alawys been passionate about web development, especially front end development. I´m constantly learning new things and trying to improve my skills. i am a fast learner, team player and try to do what is best for the team
About Me
An Ecommerce For Laptops Built With React And Commerce-Js Were Users Can Add Items To Their Cart And Checkout After They Finished Shopping
Memoreis App
a MERN stack application with basic CRUD operations, users can add ,edit ,see ,delete their posts
Weather App
a simple weather app that is built with react and material-u that shows the weather for today and the next six days with a chart for the temperature
Countries API
a react app that fetches data from a countries API and it can filter by region, search by country name and it has a dark mode
Chat App
a chat application built with react-js, node-js ,socket.io. users can enter their name and the room name they want to join
Crowdfunding page
a crowd funding page were you can pledge to a tier with the amount of money you want and it will affect the progress bar and the total amount of money
Landing Page
a landing page with a slider and a dropdown menu
sunnyside agency landing page
a landing page with a dropdown menu